Nathan Wells recently joined our team this year as our new Director of Personalized Learning for our middle school at Michigan Technical Academy. I had a chance to sit down with Nat and have him share his story.
Describe your journey to here.
Math has always been my strong suit, and English my area of growth; I was good at English, but excellent at math.
Therefore, I chose math (my strongest area) as my minor, and English as my major. I finished at U of M with high honors, and had proven to myself I could conquer what I found difficult; English. After graduating, I secured my first teaching position at Taylor Exemplar Academy, a National Heritage Academies school. There I served in the capacity as math instructor, at the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade levels over a period of three years. My next venture would be serving as a math teacher for Birmingham Public Schools, as a fourth grade teacher, for four years. As a math teacher, I have experienced great successes, and know for sure I can help other instructors replicate such for themselves.
What is your biggest challenge in being our Director of Personalized Learning at MTA-Middle School?
I have to help multiple classes and grade levels attain a higher level of understanding with mathematical concepts, and English as well. Being able to help students and teachers alike, experience important aha moments, feeds my desire to make positive differences in their lives. I am the only African American teacher I know that had no urban experience. I have taught disadvantaged white kids, affluent black and white kids, but never disadvantaged black kids. This is both a great challenge and opportunity.
What are the keys to accomplishing a school turnaround?
I think the keys to accomplishing a school turnaround is a bold leadership team (who is not afraid to make the necessary decisions), resources (the funds and other necessary provisions needed to meet the needs of its students), and a competent teaching staff that uses data to help focus on the needs of students.
What is your most unique accomplishment to date?
My most unique accomplishment to date has been despite being born to teenaged parents, a 15-year-old mom and 16-year-old dad; I have made a life for myself that has made both my parents proud.
What should gifted educators consider coming to work for a Matchbook Learning school?
The Matchbook Learning model is a great way for teachers and principals alike to see and experience great teaching at its best.
Do you have any goals for next year?
I will be going back to school for my Education Specialist (EdS) degree in Educational Leadership. I look forward t combining that formal training with my on-the-job training at Matchbook Learning to combine excellent theory and practice in a powerful way.